Today, I would like to catch up on a writing credit and a podcast appearance. I am sorry, for the sake of these wonderful places, that I fell behind! I usually try to keep up, but life has been extra crazy lately, although, of course, that’s a lousy excuse since life is extra crazy for everyone these days!

  • Thank you, Titus Techera, editor of the Post Modern Conservative, for publishing my review of Top Gun: Maverick on June 27. At Titus’s prompting, I used this review to discuss a few aspects of the film that I had not seen much of anyone else discussing, other than Titus, Indian Bronson of all people, and me, and neither of the other two had written anything proper. Read my review, “Top Gun: Maverick Therapy,” at PoMoCon.
  • After I published my Top Gun: Maverick review, Tyler Hummel hosted Hannah Long and me on his “AntiSocial Network Podcast” in order for us to have a three-way discussion/debate on the film. Hannah felt very positively about the film, I felt somewhat negatively, and Tyler fell in the middle. Listen to our discussion on Tyler’s podcast, episode “AntiSocial Entertainment – Top Gun: Maverick (SPOILERS) with Hannah Long and Ethan McGuire.”

Thank you so much for reading, and stay tuned, because I have more essays coming your way soon!